Thats No Orc Horn

Bob Strauss is a science writer and the author of several books, including 'The Big Book of What, How and Why' and 'A Field Guide to the Dinosaurs of North America.' Ceratopsians— the horned, frilled dinosaurs—were some of the most common plant-eaters of the later Mesozoic Era. Explore pictures and detailed profiles of over 60 ceratopsian. That is no Orc horn (Extended) - 10 hours. Unsubscribe from Silvericesaiyan.

Disclaimer in Chapter 1 - They may yet be alive.

Nin-dethro hîn, Mellon-nin.

Chapter 11 – That is no Orc horn.

'A great host you say?'

Théoden King of Rohan had his back turned facing Aragorn as he had been told the news what the ranger had seen on his way towards the stone fortress.

'All Isengard is empty.' Aragorn sighed. The army of Isengard where but a few hours maybe less away from Helms Deep and he did not want to waste time in answering silly questions.

'How many?' The King questioned, furrowing his blonde brows.

'Ten thousand strong at least.'

Théoden turned quickly and faced the ranger, seeing his son, the Elf, Dwarf and beloved niece there with him. 'Ten thousand?' Small panic rose within him 'Such an army is impossible.' He thought, physically shaking his head.

Aragorn held his head high 'It is an army bred for a single purpose…' He paused and spoke the words that those in the room did not want to hear. The King of Rohan moved forward anxiously waiting for the ranger's sentence. '…: To destroy the world of Men.'

'Surely ten thousands Orcs are less then what we all expected?' Théodred said as he walked towards his father.

'They are not Orcs.' Gimli spoke from behind the Elven Prince. 'These are Uruk-hai. They are stronger, taller and much more terrifying.' A small shudder crept up his spine as Gimli remembered the battle they had at Parth Galen, Amon hen, where they were ambushed by the foul creatures and lost their dear friend, who fought bravely in battle.

'When do they arrive?' Théoden asked.

All eyes turned to the ranger once more. Aragorn's eyes showed fear. He had seen this army and was frightened beyond belief but he would not let anyone know. 'They will arrive at nightfall.'

'That is only a few hours away. At least only nine.' Éowyn exclaimed 'We won't have enough time to call for aid. If our allies come, they will be days away before the battle starts.' She thought of her dear brother that had ridden away with the white Wizard. No message had been sent and both riders had left merely three days ago.

'I do not think any allies will come.' The King walked back to his throne and sat apon it heavily.

'And why not, father?' Théodred furrowed his brow. He could not believe that his father was given up on their allies. His father never gave up! 'What about cousin Éomer? Surely he will show along with thousands of riders at his back and steeds tail?'

Théoden sighed 'You are all far too young to understand that sometimes your friend's won't help you in desperate times.'

Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn all cleared their throats when the King said they were far too young. All looked at the three hunters with confusion. 'You forget, great King that you are in the presence of an Elf that has seen more than two thousand winters, a Dúnadain who is older than any man here and myself who is but one hundred and thirty nine years of age.' Gimli laughed at the shocked expressions of all in the room. His laughter died and he placed his hands above his axe, expression completely different from before 'Now, what do you say about these foul creatures?'

Théoden stood from his throne and walked towards the great wooden door's, walking past the ranger, Elf, Dwarf and Maiden 'Let them come!' The King growled which made Gimli smile. A real battle was about to begin and he was a little excited.

The King and those left in the room followed him out and into the busy streets of Helms Deep. His lieutenant, gambling, came up beside him listening as the King ordered him to get every man and strong lad that was able to bear arms into the armoury. Gambling nodded and called for five guards that were walking the streets together, ordering them to do what the King had just told him. All six in total, dispersed and called for many to come and get suited for the war that was about to begin.

As the King and the five that followed came towards the great gate of the stone fortress, Théoden pointed down at the road that led towards the gate 'We will cover the course way…' He then pointed up at the gate before him '…And the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall or set foot inside the Hornburg!'

'How many times do I have to say this?' Gimli stood, leaning on his axe, glaring at the King 'This is no rabble of mindless Orcs…' The King then faced the Dwarf, daggers within his blue orbs '…These are Uruk-hai. Their armour is thick and shields broad.'

'Gimli is right.' Legolas spoke softly, after being silent ever since they had entered the Keep to speak with the Kings about the fast approaching army. 'We have fought these creatures before and had lost a dear friend because of them. This is how we came to be. Split and scattered across Arda.'

Théoden then and faced the Prince of Mirkwood, glaring at him also 'I have fought many battles, Elf Prince…' The King spat which made Legolas raise an eyebrow, not understanding how what he had just said made the King furious. 'I know how to defend my own Keep.' Théoden growled and walked past the Dwarf and back inside into the busy fortress walls.

'Clearly.' Gimli growled.

'Leave my father be.' Théodred sighed as he placed a gently hand apon the Dwarf's shoulder. 'He is angry from the stress.'

'Théodred is right.' Éowyn agreed 'Uncle is only trying to defend his people, his land, from the threat Saruman is now sending.' She watched as the Dwarf's hard expression relaxed and walked after the ranger who was smiling at him.

Soon the Five caught up with the King, who was now on top of the Deeping Wall calling for guards to get the women and children into the caves below. As Théoden saw his beloved niece he swallowed and then placed gently, soothing hands apon her shoulder 'I want you to go into the caves with the others.'

'I will not.' Éowyn answered simply. 'I will not leave you all to fight for your lives while I sit and look after those who fear for their beloved ones above.'

Théoden shook his head. He knew this was going to be difficult. 'You must do this. For me.' He asked softly thinking that the maiden before him,would give in but he knew it was going to get harder the longer he tried to ask her.

'Uncle, I will not!' Éowyn shouted, which made a few guards that where sorting these out along the wall turn to face the King and his niece.

'Éowyn.' The King growled 'I wished your brother never taught you how to wield a sword.' He whispered, hoping his niece didn't hear it.

But the Lady of Rohan did and she narrowed her eyes, forgetting those who were around 'And what else was I supposed to do if he had not?!' She shouted again, anger and sadness with her sweet voice 'My father died at the hands of Orcs and my mother, your sister, died because of grief. I am not going to sit back and watch everyone die at the hands of these creatures! I don't want to lose someone precious to me anymore.' The last words were but a whisper and the King pulled her into an embrace.

'I am sorry, my sweet Éowyn.' The King smoothed a hand on her head. When he pulled away from the blonde maiden he unsheathed his sword and held it out in front of him, facing her. 'You may not be able to fight those out here but you can protect those inside just in case any of the beasts find a way in.' He turned his head and nodded to the entrance of the caves below.

'I…I cannot take this.' She stuttered, eyes wide as she looked at her Uncle's sword.

'You can and you will.' The King placed the sword within her hand and smiled. 'Fight or die well, my sweet niece.' He saw a small smile creep onto her face 'Do your mother and father proud.' Éowyn hugged him suddenly and quickly pulled back, Théoden smiled widened and faced his beloved son 'Théodred, take Éowyn to the caves and help out from within there.' He sighed when he saw his son's expression 'When you get bored come out and help out here.'

Théodred laughed 'You know me well, father.' He winked 'Come, dear cousin, let us be off.' And with that both Prince and maiden walked down along the Deeping Wall and towards the caves below.

'Those two are still young.' The King of Rohan shook his head and sighed before walking back along the stone wall. 'In their hearts they believe aid will come. We can trust no one. Our allies will not come.'

'You must believe in the possibilities. The doves still fly high, my Lord. Hope is still with us. You are not alone in the world.' Aragorn looked up towards the white birds that circled the impenetrable fortress.

Théoden turned and faced the future King of Gondor. 'And who will come?' He growled once more as his anger rose. 'Dwarves? The one's that cower in the mountains seeking gold and unbreakable materials such as mithril. They care not for what happens to those above their dark caves.' Théoden faced the stumpy Dwarf and saw Gimli growl low in his throat.

The King of Rohan then faced Legolas 'Elves? You honestly think these..Pure creatures, that are leaving this land for their own selfish reason, will ever come to help us?' Legolas stood still; not wanting to argue with the King for it would have been pointless argument any way. Théoden then faced the ranger and narrowed his eyes dangerously thin 'We are not so lucky in our friends as you, Lord Aragorn.' He spat 'The old alliances are dead.'

'Gondor will answer.' The ranger said quickly. He knew it was a mistake speaking about the white city before the King of Rohan.

'Gondor?!' The King hissed as he came mere inches away from Aragorn's face. 'Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?!' Aragorn breathed in deeply. 'Where was Gondor when our enemy's closed in around us?! Where was Gon…?' Théoden this time breathed in deeply, trying to calm his anger. After a few minutes of silence fell between the two men and the King finally sighed 'No, my Lord Aragorn…' His face fell '…We are alone.' The Rohan King slowly moved away.

The three hunters stood in silence. Gimli rubbed his beard and the broke the silence when he said 'I don't cower in the mountains? Do I?' Both Elf and Man faced the Dwarf and then two small smiles showed apon their faces. Gimli chuckled and all three walked together towards the armoury.

Several hours had past and the three hunters stood together in the armoury watching as men as old as seventy and boys as young as eleven got handed swords, chainmail, helmets, spears, bows and arrows.

'Farmers, ferries, stable boys.' Aragorn looked towards his two friends and bit his lips. His mind was telling him that the war was going to be a massacre but his heart still had hope. Which one could he believe? 'These are no soldiers.'

'Most have seen to many winters.' Gimli spoke after an old man around the age of sixty eight walk past him.

'Or too few.' Legolas narrowed his eyes as he thought of the young boys that were given weapons they had no idea how to use. The thought of a small boy dying at the hands of the foul black creatures of Saruman made him sick. All three looked around the room, Legolas especially looking at the fear in their eyes and the worry apon their faces; hands shivering the slightest as they thought of the terrible beasts that were coming their way and their breathing becoming quicker, panic rising in every man and boys heart. Only Elven eyes could see such heart braking things. 'Look at them. They're frightened.' Legolas' showed his sadness through his anger 'I can see it in their eyes.'

All movement stopped as the men and young boys all turned to face the blonde woodland Elf. Legolas, still eyes narrowed, walking several paces away and then turning once more too face Aragorn 'Boe a hyn…' *And they should be…* Legolas spoke in his grey tongue as he looked into every single pair of eyes in the room. '…Neled herain dan caer menig.' *Three hundred against ten thousand?*

Aragorn sighed and looked towards his sides, thinking of a reply 'Si, beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras.' *They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras.* He replied back in Legolas' home language.

'Aragorn, lle urnt bouacwe…' *you must understand* Legolas turned his now cold eyes onto the ranger before him 'Nedin dagor hen ú-'erir ortheri, natha daged dhaer!' *They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!*

'Then I shall die as one of them!' Aragorn shouted and moved slightly towards the Prince. He regretted it straight away when he realised he had switch back into Westron. The ranger quickly left, feeling the room slowly beginning to get smaller than it already was as all eyes were on him and the Prince.

Legolas went after him but a hand gently grabbed his wrist, stopping him from doing so. The Prince turned back and he looked up at the Rohirrim Prince.

'Leave him, Legolas.' Théodred smiled sadly and he then let the Elf's wrist go. 'He needs time to cool down.' When the Kings son saw the nod from the blonde Elf in front of him, he turned his attention to the Men that glared at the Prince with anger. Because of the outburst from the ranger, they now knew what sort of conversation the man and Elf were having. The Elf thought they were going to die a bloody death.

That they were weak.

Some agreed but others hated the thought and put all their hatred to the Elf.

'Alright, alright. You can stop your stares now.' Théodred shouted to those around, drawing all their hated eyes unto him. 'Go and get yourself's ready. We have a long night ahead of us.'

'My Prince, I will not stand and fight alongside an Elf.' One man shouted from the back of the armoury. Other men shouted as they agreed with the man but Théodred only smiled and shook his head lightly.

'May I remind you that this Elf happened to save my life?' The group of men fell silent as they had remembered what their King had told them before they had left their beloved city of Edoras for the safety of Helms Deep. 'Not all Elves are cowardly, my good people. In fact, this one is here with us instead of being on a ship and sailing towards his true home in the west. Surely this is not cowardly?' The Prince questioned.

Legolas felt awkward. The Prince of Rohan was talking about him like he wasn't even there. He felt like a child again, not being able to do anything while his father talked about him in front of his advisers about the human that he had returned from Imladris with. 'Aragorn.' He thought sadly and smiled as he remembered the young Estel.

'Now go.' Théodred said and the men bowed and left the armoury except those who still needed to collect their gear for the battle that was about to begin.

Legolas bowed and thanked the Prince and Théodred just laughed, walking out and joining his father on the Deeping Wall. The Elf sighed and heard a small chuckle to his left.

'That was entertaining.' Gimli laughed when the Prince glared at him. 'Oh come now, Laddie. You enjoyed it just as much…'

Legolas quickly punched the Dwarf's arm which made Gimli growl at him. Legolas smiled this time 'Now that was entertaining. Wouldn't you think so, Master Dwarf?' Legolas mocked and motioned Gimli to follow. He could feel the Dwarf glaring at him from behind. 'Let us go find Aragorn.'

It took a while for both Elf and Dwarf to find the Dúnadain ranger. Aragorn was within one of the armouries suited around the fortress at the very back in the far corner.

The ranger pulled down his chainmail coat, over his tunic and then began to place his previous clothes on top of it. He wrapped his belt around him, sheathing his dagger. Once he did that and then tightened the strings apon his shirt. The future King bent down to pick up his beloved sword but then something caught his eye at the corner. He looked up and saw his dear friend; his sword within the fair one's of the Prince's hands and nodded when he took his sword from of him.

'We have trusted you this far.' Legolas spoke, his light armour already on and his quiver filled with many arrows. 'You have not led us astray. Forgive me.' The Prince saw the ranger furrow his brow 'I was wrong to despair.'

Aragorn placed his hand apon his own heart and watched as the Legolas did the same. When he placed his hand on the Prince's shoulder then did he speak 'Ú-moe edaved, Legolas' *There is nothing to forgive* Both ranger and Elf smiled at each other and then their hands left each other's shoulder. They watched as the Dwarf came waddling in, pulling some chainmail over his head and smiling silently as it got stuck around his chest.

'You are always despairing, Princeling.' Gimli said with a smile. It then faded as he puffed out 'If we had time, I'd get this adjusted.' He suddenly moved his hands away and watched as the chain mail fell to the floor. The Dwarf then looked up at the Elf and Man who wore smiled apon their faces 'It's a little tight around the chest.'

Suddenly a high pitch echoing noise sounded from outside the room where they were. Aragorn looked in Legolas' direction as he knew the sound for it was very familiar to him. 'Where have I heard that before?' The ranger thought

'That is no Orc horn.' Legolas ran run up the stairs first, a smile apon his face. He heard the ranger following after him and the Dwarfs shouts telling them to wait up. The blonde Prince heard the shouts from the men 'Open the gate!' from outside the Keep and the musical singing that came from hundreds of fair voices.

Aragorn and Legolas both opened the Keeps wooden doors and ran outside, stopping at the top of the stairs when they saw the March warden of Lothlórien bowing and greeting the King of Rohan along with his son and lieutenant.

'I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell.' Haldir spoke as he smiled up towards the Elf and Man standing at the top of the stone steps. Behind him the Elves still marched. Blue capes flew in the gently wind that swept through the impenetrable fortress and soon the cloaks changed into those of white, deeper blue then the one's in front and green. 'An alliance once existed between Elves and Men.' The marching stopped, all the fair faces facing forwards.

One of the Elves in the white cloaks came forth standing beside the March warden. The hood the Elf wore covered their fair face and only a small smile could be seen from under it. 'Long ago we fought and died together.' A female voice sounded, her soft gently voice making the wind carry it across to all the ears of the terrified men, calming their nerves. The Elf, now known as a female, lowered her hood and her smile widened as she turned her green emerald eyes towards the Elven Prince and ranger in front. 'We come to honour that allegiance.'

Aragorn ran down and greeted both March warden and the Elf he had not seen in a very long time. 'Mae Govannen, Haldir, Larien.' *Well met.* He clasped the Elleth's arms first then as he went to clasp Haldir's but instead he took the Elf by surprise and embraced him.


Haldir was taken back and smiled shortly after he recovered from the human gesture. He watched as the man pulled back and said 'You are most welcome.'

Legolas came down next and clasped Larien's arms smiling to her and then whispering 'I am glad to see you safe, my Lady.'

'You as well, O' mighty star' She winked playfully, her red hair swaying in the soft winds.

Legolas unclasped the Elleths arm and then stepped towards Haldir. Once he clasped the March warden's arm, he got what he expected from the Elves and watched as they lifted their bows and turned, facing the Prince and the March warden before them. Legolas moved to stand between Haldir and Larien, a smile apon his fair face.

'We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.' Haldir smiled towards the King of Rohan and his son and Théodred smiled politely back.

Théoden was still shocked by the sudden appearance of the Elves and nodded. He cleared his throat as he said 'How many do you bring?'

'From my home, I bring those who were spared from the darkness that corrupted my forest and took many lives. I have thirty, my Lord.' Larien spoke first and from what she said, she saw the look in the ranger's eyes. She knew he wanted to know what happened to the forest of Morbaneiâ. Her father's forest.

'From Lothlórien we bring twenty seven.' Haldir then faced the Prince beside him 'We also bring twenty one from Imladris and thirty four from Mirkwood.'

Legolas' eyes widened as he looked towards those in the green and deeper shade of blue further down the path leading towards the main gate. He saw two identical faces, hiding beneath thick hoods and he smiled to himself.

Once introductions had been amde, the Elves got into their positions. Legolas walked over to those in the Green and deeper blue cloaks and still wore his smile apon his face as he came closer to the two Ellyn. *Plural for Ellon- two or more male Elves.* 'Aragorn will not be happy when he's see's both of you here.' He watched as the two Elves pulled their hoods away from their faces and loving smiles showed along with identical brown eyes. Legolas went up to both and embraced them in an very un-Elvish greeting'It is good to see you both again.'

'Ah, did you here that El'? He's happy to see us.' The younger of the two smiled.

'I did indeed. Tell us, young Prince…Why are you happy?' The older laughed along with his brother.

Legolas pulled away from them both 'Auta miqula Yrch.' *Go kiss an Orc.* All three laughed. It had been too long since they had last seen each other and they missed the silly conversations they always had. Even though all three were in Lothlórien together, along with the broken Fellowship, they never got to have a good conversation. 'Elladan, Elrohir, you best go and say your suilad to your brother.' *greetings* Legolas' smile faded 'He did not want you here, must I remind you.'

Elladan nodded 'We know he didn't but…'

'…We had to come and see you both once more…' Elrohir continued

'…Along with Gimli. We heard the Fellowship has split.' Elladan finished. Sower filled the two identical eyes as they heard the news from their father a few days ago.

'Aye.' Legolas felt a lump at the back of his throat as he thought about the risk he took to save the Gondorian but instead it led to a much greater sacrifice for himself and the Steward of Gondor's son. 'We tragically lost Boromir at Parth Galen. We do not know where the great river has taken our beloved friend.'

'We are both sorry for the loss of a great man.' Both replied and Legolas nodded.

Soon they said there farewell's and he smiled at the familiar voice that came from one of the Elves in a green cloak. 'Melcinítan?' He questioned and when the Ellon turned and faced him, Legolas smiled at the second captain of the Mirkwood guard.

'My Prince!' He shouted and bowed almost immediately, along with all the other Elves from Mirkwood.

'Do not bow, Melcinítan.' The Elven Prince's smile widened. Legolas went up towards the second Captain of his father's guard and clasped his arm in friendly gesture, chuckling when he saw the small blush come from his face.

'Do not blush, mellon-nin. Now, you must tell me how my father is?' The Prince asked with a small smile apon his face. 'It has been long since I..' The smile disappeared immediately when he heard the small voice.

The Prince of Mirkwood's heart nearly broken in two.

'My Prince, he isDead.'

I am EVIL! ;D Poor Legolas. The Battle for Helms deep is about to begin :') Sorry if this chapter seems boring in some way or rushed…Because it feels like that to me. But as I promised I posted it today as well ;) I was supposed to be doing college work but I got distracted ;D YAY!

There isn't anything, I don't think? :')


Jasperslittlesister; Thank you! Well hopefully you get to see it soon ;) Awww I am glad it does :3 Soon enough for ya' ;D

BrightWatcher; They will soon ;) It's only a matter of time, considering they are here now with Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli ;D That is for me to know and you to find out, mellon :') You can?! :O This changes everything! :L Ahahaha ;)

ArwenElf16; I am glad it was ;D He will always be. Still an amazing character though :3 Yay! I love Théodred's personality already :') Ahaha Awww Gimli! Ah, I don't know to be honest…He really needs to take some o.o Here is the next chapter! :D

Calemireth; Awww thanks ;) Sauron will be coming soon, do not worry :D Hope you have enjoyed this chapter as well? :)

LightsCDark; Yeah, I wouldn't let anything seriously bad happen to Legolas when the battle is about to start ;) Ahhh that would have been a good idea! It's just that I couldn't think of the right place to put him in :/ :L Ahaha don't worry about it ;) I am going to do a lot of sneaky things ;D

Where's El' and 'ro gone?!

Elrond: They had to fight in the Battle for Helms Deep, remember? Radha soami satsang 2019.

Glorfindel: You are the one writing this story, aren't you?

Yes, yes I am… *Looks around* Where's Tauriel and Thranduil?! D:

Bilbo: Tauriel is also fighting *Face palm*

Erestor: I do not know where the great Elven King has gone…My Lord?

Elrond: Let us keep going…Maybe he will show up soon.

Okay :/
