Return To Castle Wolfenstein Bots

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Overall, Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a great first person shooter that is loads of fun to play. It succeeds in paying homage to the classic shooter franchise while also offering new and fresh ways to play. The environments are well designed and surprisingly destructive, the story mode is lengthy and exciting, and the multiplayer is quick.

Create the map omnibot in your RtcW game directory, and copy both files into it.
Log into one of the ToaK gameservers until you see playing bots/people and disconnect.
Go to the omnibot directory and edit with wordpad your freshly generated wolfconfig_mp.cfg.
Search for the line: seta sv_maxRate and if you have a better connection than dial-up and ISDN, make sure the value is set at '25000'.
Insert the lines below (in white) in your wolfconfig_mp.cfg, if you want some extras:
seta cg_hitsounds '1' /enables hitsound. 0 disables it again.
seta cg_goat '1' /gives the sound of a goat if you stab an enemy in the back, which is instant kill. 0 is no sound.
seta cg_drawPing '1' /value 1 - shows your ping. 0 disables it again.
seta cg_drawSpeedometer '1' /shows your walking/running speed in the game. 0 to turn it off.
seta cg_drawKillCount '1' /1 shows the current amount of kills you made. 0= off.
seta cg_ospFonts '1' /1 gives you an alternative font within the game. 0= normal font.
seta cg_announcer '1' /1 enables the voice of the announcer. 0 = no announcer.
If you play an lieutenant, it may be useful to bind 2 keys, for example:
bind g 'gp' /pressing G enables grenadepack: That's a pack of 4 extra grenades. Throw the grenade-pack with the ammo-pack key.
bind s 'sg' /pressing S enables smokegrenade: If you throw an airstrike, smoke will be thrown instead. This will only block sight of human players.
All players can share (identical) ammo with each other. Bind for instance:
bind F10 'giveammo 32'
If you press F10, you will give your teammate 32 ammo. He/she must stand close to you, to be able to receive your kind gift.
N.b. This will only work if you both handle similar weapons. You can't for example give a panzerfaust soldier rockets if you carry a mp40. But you can share pistol ammo with him/her if you both draw your pistol.
A lot of other things can be done as well:
If you are a medic, you can poison-kill enemies with your syringe. It will take some time for the enemy to get poisoned, but will get killed if he/she does not run into a medikit.
Every player can throw knives: They do 70 damage. You can throw them by selecting your knife, and release/drop it. You spawn with a lot of knives.
All players are able to block airstrikes. This will take some practice, but it can be done. You have to sit on a enemy cannister to block it. (Oversized players and regular visitors of McDonalds have an advantage here.)
On our servers every player starts with plenty of ammo. (I find it a bit silly to send people into a fight without carrying enough ammo).
Dead (but not gibbed) players can be dragged out of harm's way with the use/activate key.
The activate key also works to push teammates away who block your path.
Goombas are possible on our servers: Jump from great heights, and try to land on enemy heads. If you are succesful, then this means an instant kill.
And in case you want to skip a map, just enter in your console: /callvote nextmap
If there are enough votes in favour of your call, the server will skip the current map/round. Apply this as often until you get the map of your preference. The bots won't vote.

Proscan drivers. Version 1.5 (22.9.2003) - PK3 - CFG 'bug' fixed - Waypoint Menu Objective 6 bug fixed - added waypoints to axis spawn in mp_chateau - Bots no longer rely on sv_fps 20 - Player is no longer invulnerable if g_antilag is turned on - mp_village steal objective fixed - bots do no longer count as voting clients - panzerfaust laser bug fixed - Waypoint Editing : Waypoints can now be dragged - Waypoint Editing : mp_depot, anti aircraft gun can now be made an objective - Bots use radio commands more frequently - Bots now call for medic if they are on low health - Medic Bots now revive wounded teammates - BG_ModelInfoForClient Problem fixed (hopefully) - Bots no longer drop to limbo mode immediately - Camping Bots react to footstep sounds - Engineer Bots react to 'Need Engineer' radio message - Engineer Bots react to 'Disarm the Dynamite' - Bots now react to 'dynamite has been planted' message - Bots now react to 'documents have been taken' message - Bots now re-capture checkpoints - Bots now operate MG42s - One Way paths are now rendered as arrows now indicating their direction - Bots can now open func_doors without targetnames - Medics no longer try to attack with medkits - server commands bot_remove and bot_removeall do now work properly - Bots camp at enemy 'deliver spots' if their document are being stolen - axis bots now stay in the bunkers on mp_beach rather then roaming on the beach - engineer bots disarm enemy dynamite more often - various small bugfixes