Nonton Joseph King Of Dreams Subtitle Indonesia

Synopsis: When Joseph receives a beautiful coat from his parents, his eleven brothers hate him even more, and are driven to sell him to desert merchants, who. Nonton Joseph: King of Dreams (2000). Dengan hadiah dari penafsiran mimpi dan mantelnya berwarna cerah, Joseph menginspirasi kecemburuan di saudara-saudaranya dan dijual sebagai budak. Menceritakan kembali animasi ini cerita dari Buku Alkitab Kejadian membanggakan tingkat pertama animasi dan bekerja suara yang sangat baik dari Affleck, Mark Hamill dan Jody Benson.

이집트 왕자 2 : 요셉이야기Movie

온 가족이 하나되는 아름다운 순간~ <이집트 왕자>의 감동이 이어집니다

Original title: Joseph: King of Dreams

요셉은 꿈을 통해 미래를 예견하는 특별한 능력을 지닌 소년. 아버지의 사랑을 독차지하는데다, 늘 믿을 수 없는 이야기를 늘어놓는 그를 질투한 10명의 형들과 어느날 노예상인들에 동생을 팔아넘기고 만다. 낯선 땅 이집트로 팔려가, 고위관료인 포티파의 집에서 노예로 살아가게 된 요셉. 성실함과 지혜로움으로 주인의 신뢰를 받게 된 요셉은 모든 가계를 관리하는 큰 임무까지 맡게 되지만, 엉뚱한 모함에 빠져 감옥에 갇히는 처지가 된다. 기약없는 감옥생활 중에서도 용기와 희망을 잃지 않던 요셉은, 파라오가 들려준 신비한 꿈 이야기로 앞으로 닥쳐올 큰 곤란을 예견하여 이집트를 위험으로부터 지키게 된다. 마침내 요셉은 이집트 총리의 자리에까지 오르고, 오랜 흉년에 시달리다 이웃나라 이집트로 식량을 구걸하러 온 형들과도 재회하게 되는데..


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It's taking so long.

(Chuckles) Look at yourself, Father.

You'd think

this was your first child.

Tell me, were you this nervous

when I was born?

Well, yes and no.

It was different with your mother.

But with Rachel, we gave up hope.

We were told

she couldnever have children.

Gp pro ex 3 1 keygen torrent 2017. - Father! It's a boy!

- Father.

- Father, it's a boy!

- It's a boy.

(Baby crying)

My boy!

(Crying continues)

Can you believe it?

Rachel had a baby.

I guess it is a miracle.

(Baby coos)

O God, who is the father of us all,

you have blessed me

with a gift beyond all measure.

Within a barren wife,

amid the twilightskies of my life,

you've placed a treasure.

# A brightlyshining star

where there was none

# You have granted us a son

(Rachel) # Dreams do come true.

- # Look at you

- (Father) # Joseph

(All) # Our baby brother

(Father) # He is special

# He is one of us,

we'll keep him from harm

# And we will teach him

# I will teach him

all he needs to know

# He'll standapart from other men

# We'll standbeside him and together

# We will show him

what it means to be a family.. #

Ah. Ooh.

# You are a miracle child

# You are the best

# You shine the brightest.. #

- (Laughs)

- Joseph.

Come on. Come to Papa.

# Your trails be blessed

# Your trials the lightest

# You were made for better things

# You will share the air of kings

# You were born and fortune smiled

# For you are a miracle child

(Rachel) # The sun will rise

# Within your eyes

# The moon will light your smile

# And Heavengrace your gentle face

- # With power to beguile.. #

- Good night, Joseph.

# You will wade through

Joseph king of dreams dailymotion

the river of sorrows

# Warm and dry

(Father) # And angels

will guide your tomorrows

# This I prophesy

(Both) # For you are a miracle child

# You are the best

# You shine the brightest

# Your days will be cloudless

and mild

# Your trails be blessed

# Your trials the lightest

# You were made for better things

# You will share the air of kings

# You were born and fortune smiled

# For you are a miracle child

# Dearest Mother

# Beloved Father

# A coat of colours

bright as butterfly wings

# To remind me

# Things you've told me all my life

# I am special, I am smart

# I am somehow set apart

# Pettyrules and limitations

don't apply

# For I

# Am a miracle child

# I can't be harmed

# I'm wrapped in rainbows

# Though fate

can be heartless and vile

# My life's been charmed

# And shallremain so

# I was made for something more

# Not to struggle but to soar

# To my fortune reconciled

# For I am a miracle child

# You won't see me bent over double

# In darkness and rubble

# Wheremountains of trouble

are piled

# I was destined to fly

# Watch me light up the sky

# For I am a miraclechild #

(Insects chirping)


(Thunder rumbles)



(Wolves barking)

- (Jingles)

- (Sheep bleating)

- (Whispers) Hey..

- (Growls)

- No! Stop!

- What's wrong?

- What's going on?

- What did he say?

- Oh, it's Joseph.

- It was wolves!

Coming out of the shadows.

I was surrounded.

- They were all around..

- That's it?

- You woke us..for a dream?

- Ooh!

Quiet! You want to scare the sheep?

- The sheep. The ram.

- (Brothers murmuring)

- The wolveskilled the ram.

- (Bleats)

It was dead. I.. I don't understand.

It all seemed so real.

- Everything is fine, Joseph.

- It's over. Don't worry.

Boys, since you're up,

make yourselves useful.

Get to work before sunup.

(Brothers groan)



- Joseph, where are you going?

- Um, I.. Nero 8 serial keygen.

You have studies.

But, I wanna go with them.